Tropical Vets 'The Biggest Loser' competition Terms and Conditions
- The competition start date is the 1st March 2025. The competition end date is the close of business, 30th June 2025. Winners will be drawn on the 1st July 2025, and owners will be notified by phone.
- The competition sign up period is between 1st and 31st March 2025 and is completed during a weight management consultation with either a nurse or veterinarian. Whether an animal requires weight management will be determined during this consultation. The animal can only be signed up to the competition if the consulting nurse or veterinarian determines that weight management is suitable and in the best interest of the animal. The vet or nurse has the right to decline signing an animal up to the program if they determine that the animal is either underweight or does not require weight management, or if they feel that the use of any of the products associated with the program would be nutritionally unsuited to the animal (i.e. due to the animals current health condition or weight at the time of the consultation. This includes the appropriate management of other underlying health concerns).
- The initial consultation is charged as follows:
- No cost if completed by a nurse
- No additional cost if completed in conjunction/within a paid veterinary consultation.
- Upon signing up a pet for the competition, the owner agrees to provide before and after photos of their pet or allow these photos to be taken by the nurse of veterinarian and used for marketing or promotional purposes by Tropical Vets.
- The first weigh in for the animal must be undertaken in clinic on the day of the initial consultation and recorded on the animal’s file.
- The recommendations provided by a nurse or veterinarian to pet owners during consultations are advice only and rely on the full disclosure of correct information provided by the owner regarding their animal’s health (including existing conditions and medications).
- Pet owners are required to comply with the recommendations made by the nurse or veterinarian for the duration of the competition. Non-compliance or use of extreme measures by the owners is not condoned and if owners are suspected of non-compliance or negligence, they will be removed from the competition.
- Each participant (animal) requires its own consultation in order to participate in the competition to ensure all animals are recommended an appropriate diet and exercise routine to suit the animal’s individual needs. Only animals which have received a consultation will be eligible for discounts or prizes associated with the competition. The promotional offers are available on a per animal basis (for each animal signed up), not per owner. Therefore, if an owner has multiple pets, the promotional offers are only applicable to those which are signed up.
- The brand (either Hills or Royal Canin) assigned to the animal at the first consultation (or at the time of the first discounted competition food purchase), is the brand which must be used for that animal for the duration of the promotion (01.03.25-30.06.25) for the animal to be eligible for the promotional discount and prize/s. The only exception to this is if there is a palatability issue – in which case the animal can switch brands, provided that this occurs within two weeks of the initial consultation (sign-up).
- The palatability guarantee offered by Royal Canin and Hills remains unchanged by the promotion and can be made within the terms and conditions of each brand.
- Food purchases will be monitored and must remain within a reasonable dietary tolerance percentage – therefore, the amount of food must not be deemed excessive to meet the animal’s dietary needs based on its individual weight, health and nutritional requirements. Excessive purchases made by owners during the promotion will be questioned. If it is suspected that owners are over exploiting the promotional offer, Tropical Vets has the right to remove the pet/s signed up under the name of the owner from the competition, thereby removing the associated discount/s and the owner’s ability to claim a winning prize for any of their pets.
- A winner for each competition category (Hills Dog; Hills Cat; Royal Canin Dog; Royal Canin Cat) will be determined based on the total percentage body weight lost from the first weigh in at the initial consultation to the final weigh in (last weight recorded for that animal by the close of business 30th June 2025). Final weights must be witnessed by a Tropical Vets staff member and recorded on the animal’s file.
- The winners will receive three months’ supply of weight management food for the brand the animal is assigned to for the competition. Three months’ supply will be determined based on the animal’s breed, weight and dietary requirements as per the feeding recommendations provided by each brand for each product and cannot be redeemed for cash.
- All pets must have their final weight recorded in clinic before the close of business on 30th June 2025.
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