Cat Care
Cats can make excellent companions and are wonderful pets. However, with an average lifespan ranging from 15-20 years, owning a cat is a long-term commitment and their needs must be carefully considered.
Before you bring your cat or kitten home, we suggest you contact your local council and enquire about local regulations regarding such things as night curfews, compulsory containment within a property, desexing and microchipping.
Health Checks
Cats and dogs age, on average, five to eight times faster than humans. By age two, most pets have already reached adulthood. At age four, many are entering middle age. By age seven, many cats and dogs, particularly larger breed dogs, are entering their senior years.
All pets require a minimum of one health check a year. This is particularly important because pets age so rapidly and major health changes can occur in a short amount of time. The risk of heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and other serious conditions all increase with age. Early detection is important and annual health checks can help your veterinarian diagnose and treat problems early, or even prevent problems occurring altogether, therefore enabling the best possible outcome for your pet.
Routine vaccinations and parasite control for fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm and intestinal worms are also recommended. Regular visits to your vet also provide a good opportunity to ask about nutrition, behaviour, and other issues.
Health Check List
The most important annual health screenings for cats:
Cats of all ages
Physical examination
Parasite check
Heart check
Dental health check
Blood and urine test
Additional exams for senior cats (7+ years)
Osteoarthritis check
Kidney disease screen
Thyroid check
Blood pressure check